Thursday, May 14, 2015

Best Ways to Remove Warts Naturally

Warts are a common skin problem that will often show up around the fingers, hands, feet, and even other areas like the groin. It is an infection caused by HPV or human papillomavirus. Finding a good home remedy for warts is essential when you are trying to remove these skin growths. Warts will often grow and become a more serious problem when they are in moist areas. With that being said you have to use extreme caution when you are in areas like pools, shower rooms, locker rooms, and anywhere else where there is a lot of moisture. You should also try to keep the affected area as dry as you can in order to prevent warts from becoming an even worse problem.

Finding the right natural treatment for warts as quickly as possible is important because it can easily spread to other people or other parts of your body. Home remedies for warts involve the use of items you may already have in your home. They are a lot safer than cosmetic procedures for removing warts. Most cosmetic procedures will involve burning or cutting off the wart, which can leave behind ugly scars. If you decide to go the cosmetic route you will need a doctor or dermatologist to remove them. If you use a dermatologist or doctor the methods they use will cause some pain and discomfort. Natural methods are much less painless and don't leave behind ugly looking scars. This is why dermatologists will use local anesthetics to put you to sleep before applying their method, as it can cause some serious pain.
When it comes to natural remedies most people with warts have found success with cutting off the skin growths using a pair of scissors. You will have to make sure the scissors are sharp and clean before using this method.

You can also use duct tape to help remove warts naturally. Simply cut a little piece of duct tape and apply it directly to the infected area and let it stay there overnight. When you get up in the morning you should remove the tape and then apply an essential oil like tea tree oil to it. The duct tape helps remove the warts by suffocating it so that it can't get any oxygen. Without oxygen the virus cannot thrive and the wart will eventually die off. The trick is to continue to apply the duct tape to the warts right before you go to bed for about a month or two.

Salicylic acid is an over the counter medication that has proven useful for removing warts. The acid will dissolve the proteins of these skin growths and eventually they will look smaller as you keep applying them. This treatment method can cause a lot of pain and it can cause some allergies and irritations on your skin. The best thing to do is talk to your doctor to see if your skin is not too sensitive before applying salicylic acid.